TSC Initiates CPG Review, Set to Promote 51,000 of 130,000 Stagnant Teachers.
Furthermore, TSC stated that they have initiated a review of the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG). She also stated that the panel intends to compensate teachers operating in administrative positions in an acting capacity.
“We are committed to ensuring the welfare of our teachers and providing them with necessary resources to deliver quality education,” according to Macharia.
The meeting also agreed that TSC will initially promote 51,000 teachers, as the remaining 130,000, according to the union, have stagnated. This was the reason for the Kenya National Union of Teachers’ decision to call off its strike.
Kuppet persisted in the strike, demanding the conversion of JSS educators to Permanent and Pensionable (PP) terms, despite these proposals.
On Sunday, Kuppet added further requests, including a review of continuous advancement criteria, which they described as punitive and have resulted in teacher stagnation in several job groups since their implementation.
They also sought remuneration for teachers who performed administrative functions in an acting capacity. The conversations took place amidst a court case that ended the strike last week.
KUPPET Out of Choices
With a court decision suspending the strike and the threat of victimization for its members, Kuppet had run out of choices. According to sources in Kuppet, the union decided on Monday to meet with TSC and call off the strike.
“The Commission shall continue promoting teachers as and when budgetary allocations are availed by Parliament,” TSC CEO said.
ALSO READ: Order From Above That Led KUPPET to End Teachers’ Strike in TSC Talks
Meanwhile, the attention has shifted to recouping lost time during the first week of the strike.
With only eight weeks until the national exams, the strike’s loss of instructional time raises concerns about learning inequalities and the potential need for exam revisions.
Only one week into the strike, students have missed 36 lessons.
TSC Initiates CPG Review, Set to Promote 51,000 of 130,000 Stagnant Teachers.