Monthly Salaries for TSC Employed Teachers in Kenya
Teachers have spent much time on the road, campaigning for higher government pay. Fortunately for them, the Kenyan National Union of Teachers (KNUT) fought a difficult but victorious battle for an increase in teachers’ salaries. The Salaries and Remuneration Commission reached an agreement to raise salaries in three parts. Here’s everything you need to know about TSC job groups and their compensation ranges in 2024.
Teacher pay and working conditions have been a source of concern, prompting the administration to negotiate and adjust regularly. These discussions guarantee equitable compensation for teachers and inspire them to deliver top-notch instruction.
TSC job groups and their pay scale
The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) manages Kenya’s education system and is in charge of teacher recruitment, deployment, and management in public schools. Here is a breakdown of the new TSC teacher salary and grading system.
TSC’s new grading system
The most recent TSC upgrade for teachers resulted in the elimination of some job groups and the merger of others.
The system divides teaching positions into various grades and T-scales. The Chief Principal occupies Grade D5 (T-Scale 15), the highest level of the system. At the next level, the senior principal moves up to Grade D4 (T-Scale 14).
Grade D3, T-Scale 13, is the grade for the principal and Deputy Principal I. The next rank is Deputy Principal II, Senior Master I, and Senior Lecturer I, all of which fall under Grade D2 (T-Scale 12).
Still lower down the system, Grade D1, T-Scale 11, includes Senior Master II, Deputy Principal III, Senior Head Teacher, Senior Lecturer II, and Curriculum Support Officer I.
Teachers in grade C5 (TT-Scale 10) are Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher I, and Curriculum Support Officer II.
Senior Lecturer IV, Senior Master IV, SNE Senior Teacher- Primary, SNE Teacher I – Secondary, and Deputy Head Teacher II fall at Grade C4 ( T-Scale 9).
Grade C3 (T-Scale 8) are those holding the following designations: Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I – Primary, SNE Teacher II – Secondary, and Senior Teacher I.
Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II-Primary, Lecturer II, and Senior Teacher II are rated as Grade C2, T-Scale 7.
Grade C1 (T-Scale 6) teachers involve Secondary Teacher III, Lecturer III, and Primary Teacher I. Lastly, Primary Teacher II is graded as Grade B5 ( T-Scale 5).

TSC Teachers Salary Structure – 2024
The Teachers Service Commission listed the wage increases for different tutors based on their employment groups, including primary and secondary school teachers. The pay scale for TSC teachers will be introduced in two phases, with phase one already implemented.
The second phase is pending following the rejection of the finance bill for instructors who are currently on active duty.
The majority of secondary school teachers earn salaries ranging from Ksh. 35,614 to Ksh. 127,069.
Primary school teachers in Kenya earn a base pay of around Ksh. 78,667 for a higher-ranking post and Ksh. 28,491 for a lower-ranking teacher.
Teacher’s Pay in Kenya Per Month Based on Grading System
All salaries for teachers and school administrators fall under different titles and grades. The structure for the chief principal falls under Grade D5, T-Scale 15, whose basic salary is Ksh. 131,380 to Ksh. 159,534.
The senior principal falls under Grade D4, T-Scale 14, whose salary ranges from Ksh. 118,242 to Ksh. 143,581.
Principals and deputy principals I fall under Grade D3, T-Scale 13, whose salary ranges from Ksh. 105,182 to Ksh. 127,069.
The Deputy Principal II and Senior Master I are in grades D2, T-Scale 12, where one has a basic salary ranging from Ksh. 92,119 to Ksh. 110,551.
The Senior Master II and Deputy Principal III, Senior Head Teacher, are in grade D1, T-Scale 11, with a basic salary of Ksh. 78,625 to Ksh. 95,101.
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Down the scale, the senior master III, senior lecturer III, head teacher, and deputy head teacher I fall in grade C5, T-scale 10, where their salaries range from Ksh. 62,272 to Ksh. 78,667.
The next ones in that order of ranking fall under Grade C4, T-Scale 9, where senior lecturer IV, senior master IV, SNE senior teacher primary, SNE teacher I secondary, and deputy head teacher II fall, earning between Ksh. 52,308 and Ksh. 67,220.
The following are all in Grade C3 at T-Scale 8: Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I, Primary, SNE Teacher II, Secondary, and Senior Teacher I. One could earn between Ksh. 44,412 and Ksh. 56,514.
Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II, Primary, Lecturer II, and Senior Teacher II are all in Grade C2 at T-Scale 7, where one earns between Ksh. 36,621 and Ksh. 45,776.
The second category includes the secondary teacher III, lecturer III, and primary teacher I at Grade C1. Accordingly, their salaries range from Ksh. 28,491 to Ksh. 35,614.
In the last category, there is the primary teacher II under Grade B5 with T-Scale 5, whose salary is Ksh. 22,793–Ksh. 28,491.
What types of allowances does the TSC Teachers?
Teachers are paid remuneration or reimbursement allowances. Remunerative allowances are included in the teacher’s monthly compensation and distributed on a regular basis. Reimbursable allowances, on the other hand, are awarded only after an application. The TSC specifically reimburses expenses for travel and quota per diem.
Who are the highest-paid Kenyan teachers?
Chief principals are Kenya’s highest-paid educators, with base salaries ranging from Ksh. 131,380 to Ksh. 159,534.
With the implementation of the three CBA phases, the new TSC work categories and compensation scale have begun to benefit them after a long period of low pay. Primary and secondary school teachers will benefit the most from Kenya’s economic growth.
Monthly Salaries for TSC Employed Teachers in Kenya